For your convenience, on-site parking is accessible at one of our Westchester County Parks-managed parking lots: the County Center West and East lots located adjacent to and in front of the center respectively, as well as the North White Plains parking lot, 98 Fisher Lane, White Plains, NY 10603.
Parking is on a first come, first served basis. Alternate parking is available nearby.

Daily: $8
Special Events: $15
Monthly: $105
Quarterly: $315
Semi- Annual: $630
Annual: $1205
We are currently at maximum capacity for permits. If you wish to be added to our wait list, please call our general line at
(914) 995-7582 during normal business hours.
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(MetroCard/ParaTransit/Permit Sales):
Monday through Friday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Memorial Day
(Monday, 5/26/2025)
Independence Day
(Friday, 7/04/2025)
Labor Day
(Monday, 9/01/2025)
(Thursday & Friday, 11/27 & 11/28/2025)
Christmas Day
(Thursday, 12/25/2025)
East Lot
198 Central Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606
98 Fisher Lane, White Plains, NY 10603
West Lot
218 Tarrytown Road, White Plains, NY 10606
EV charging stations are available in the southern part of the lot.
No Overnight parking
in CC East & West Parking Lots

Parking Rules and Regulations
- As a parking permit holder, you are not entitled to a reserved space.
- Renewals should be acquired through the Westchester County Center Parking Office one month prior to the expiration date of the current permit. Payments received after the 15th of said prior month are subject to a late fee of $10. If the late fee is not paid with the permit fee, the permit will not be processed.
- All permits must be picked up in person and signed for at the Westchester County Center Parking Office, located at 198 Central Avenue in White Plains; Monday – Friday, 6 a.m. – 5 p.m. A valid photo I.D. must be presented at time of pick-up.
- Permits should be treated as cash; lost/stolen permits will be pro-rated and replaced at permit holder’s expense. Call (914) 995-7582 for information.
- Permit refunds will only be given for FULL unused months left on your permit, minus a processing fee of $15. Refunds will not be given for partial months and all requests must be submitted in writing with permit attached and returned to the Parking Manager at the County Center, 198 Central Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606.
- Our County Center East and County Center West parking lots close at midnight (12:00am). Any and all vehicles must vacate the premises at that time. Vehicles left past midnight run the risk of receiving a police ticket. Owning a permit does not exempt you from this rule. Our County Center North White Plains lot currently entitles the permit holder to overnight parking, so long as their permit is valid. The hours at North White Plains are subject to change due to ongoing construction.
- Permits/hangtags must be hung on the rearview mirror of the registered, authorized vehicle at all times, with the colored side facing the windshield/street and be visible at all times. If your vehicle’s rear view mirror impedes the placement of the tag, you may leave it on your dashboard in clear view. Violators will receive a warning notice upon first infringement. Subsequent violations will be addressed via ticketing by Westchester County Police and/or towing of said vehicle.
- All expired permits must be removed from vehicle.
- The Permit holder is responsible for transferring the permit between registered authorized vehicles. If you don’t have your parking permit with you, the daily fee will apply. A warning notice will be issued upon first infringement and subsequent violations will be addressed via ticketing by Westchester County Police and/or towing of said vehicle.
- Each permit is only valid at the Westchester County Center Parking Lot listed on said permit. Management reserves the right to relocate permit parkers at any Westchester County Center managed parking lot at their discretion.
- Observe all posted rules and regulations, as well as directions given by lot attendants. Park only within one space as designated by pavement markings or signs. A warning notice will be issued upon first infringement and subsequent violations will be addressed via ticketing by Westchester County Police and/or towing of said vehicle. Violators may have privileges revoked at the discretion of management.
- Westchester County Parks is not responsible for any loss or damage by fire, theft, collision, flooding or any other cause to any vehicle, or part thereof or the contents of any vehicle. Vehicles should be locked at all times, with valuables not in view. Any security or safety issues should be directed to Westchester County Police at (914) 864-7700.
- These parking rules and regulations are subject to change at the discretion of the Westchester County Center.
- This agreement is a personal license to the holder of a permit to enable that person to park the designated vehicle at this facility at the permit holder’s sole risk. Only a license is granted hereby and no bailment is created with respect to any vehicle, including its contents on the premises of the facility.